Object-oriented in PHP course with database Codeigniter
You still write several lines of code that can not be reused in procedural programming. Therefore, you need to learn OOP in PHP to write code that can be reusable. If you know about OOP, the next level is frameworks with either CodeIgniter or Laravel. That's why the OOP is essential if you want to build a web / PHP, or this course is for you if you have the basic knowledge of PHP.
OOP will cover all the necessary concepts in PHP. From classes and properties, we continue our journey. When you learn the concept of OOP in PHP, we begin the SQL concepts so you will be able to understand how you can handle your database. Once you have the OOP concepts, we learn CodeIgniter with the powerful Bootstrap 4, the world's front-end frame.
Yeah, once we have finished the basics, we will cover every basic concept in CodeIgniter, and I will teach you how to build Web applications and websites. I will give you some ideas about templates and why you need to break your HTML content into multiple views.
You can learn how to develop your application using the MVC (Model View Controller) approach to Helpers, library, and query builder. You will learn how to validate your server-side forms, and I'll provide you with some security tricks and tips. The practical work of CodeIgniter in Bootstrap 4 is also taught, and I will show you how to send/receive information with AJAX. We use jQuery to send client data to the AJAX server.
You will learn how to build Logon and Log in the System series and perform CRUD operations so that you can easily understand the critical method of CodeIgniter. The ORM(Object Relational Mapping) principles you are using will be introduced. I'm going to polish it, and you will know your skills. We will also discuss the models of third parties for integration with your system.